We focus on providing people with the knowledge to invest! Learn how to trade stock markets over time. Fine tune your skills while building your capital. Investing is not easy but it can be simple. Let's start investing by taking small steps. Come on stock market courses and download our investor club membership form! Start today!
About Wealth Skills, Stock Market courses, stock market club
This is a Wealth Creation mission to train and mentor people that are interested in taking the decision to improve their financial well being and elevate their passive income level in order to achieve financial stability.
If you’re not achieving at least double the inflation rate with your investments on an annual basis after costs, you are losing the battle. There is no way you can beat the rat race and elevate yourself or your family out of the daily slog of working for money.
Let us show you how you can over time develop great understanding of economic cycles and stock market cycles to benefit your financial decisions and status!
Your feedback is very important to us and we will do everything to fulfill your wishes. More...
We bring weekly Market Outlook for our club members. Visit our Quick Performance Review section regarding a weekly Stock Market Outlook.
If you want to find out more about our stock market training and personal coaching options visit the Stock Market Training section now.
Please Remember that our Forum is for Wealth Skills Club members only. To become a Club Member you just need to complete the member form...
If you really want to achieve investment goals find out your investment personality.
We are comIf we could show you the kind of trades you could take would you be interested? By checking our Quick Performance Review you can see how in just one month you would have covered the workshop fee using our Top Down Market Approach in your investing. This may not occur every month. I think you will agree that if you could make back the investment fee in your workshop within a number of months you are getting a fantastic return on your investment. Also remember, the workshop fee is tax deductiblefully invest in the share market and maximise their returns. Wouldn't you benefit from more knowledge before you get started? Would you agree it is best to have the best available knowledge and practical experience before putting your hard-earned money on the line?
Learn how to make money from buying and selling shares on the J.S.E.
Stock market trading is simple but that doesn't mean it's easy! Let me explain. Most people can handle a dummy portfolio with 1000's of dollars or rands worth of funds. They trade like there's no tomorrow and generally they end up profitable. The next logical step is to open a real account with REAL MONEY in it! What happens next is the quintessential challenge around trading for 90% of people: They lose money!
Why make money stock market trading with a dummy account and then lose it with a Real Account? Our experience with stock market courses is that learners are able to operate under no stress with a dummy account. They are making trading decisions based purely on the stock market analysis using technical charts, fundamentals and choosing a trading strategy. The moment they put REAL MONEY on the table, the trading psychology enters the fray.
What is trading psychology? It is the mental discipline, the very framework around your beliefs about money and emotional attachment to it. At least 90% of the money lost in the stock market is due to this factor: Trading Psychology. Many people succumb to their fears regarding money or the loss of money when they start trading stock markets! The challenge is arming the stock market trader with aids to cure the 5 fears of trading. Find out more...
Who is Warrick Selzer
BA Psychology (UNISA)
Registered Persons Exams (Equity), SAIFM
Teaching English as a Foreign Language (TEFL)
Share Direct (3 years):
Equity trading workshops, Advanced Technical Analysis,Daily mentorship of single stock futures & ALSI 40 over 2 years
Chart pattern workshops, derivatives workshops
Employee of the year award 2008!Image-IT (3 years):
Publishing of textbooks, courseware, multimedia.
Sales & Operations
Equities, single stock futures and ALSI 40 trading
Completed Share Direct investment training programme in 2007
Daily trading mentorship in REAL TIME with high success rate using SKYPE
Equity mentorship and coaching one-on-one with practical starting focus areas
Write an investment blog & weekly investment newsletters
Expertise includes moving averages, trend lines, chart patterns, candles, fibonacci
Trading shares for 6 years and derivatives for 2 years.
To find more about us, come to the next investment club talk! To